Monday, May 13, 2013

Progress continues - Week 12

Build progress continues, but it's not quite as startling this time.  I guess it's no different than building a house where there is rapid apparent progress when the framing is being built, then progress appears to crawl during trim and paint.  Despite no signs of the swarm of workers, there is still noticeable progress.  In the last post I was a bit rushed and let the pictures speak for themselves.  This time I'll try to provide a bit more commentary.

The first photo below is taken in the salon facing forward.  The window-like thing in the floor is an access hatch to the engine room to facilitate installation and removal of the engine, generator, and other large equipment.  The tower-like structure in the middle is the exhaust stack where it passes through the salon.  Behind the stack, you can see that the floor drops down a step to the level of the galley and master stateroom.  The galley is on the left with a bar separating it from the salon.  On the far right are the stairs going up to the pilot house, and between the stairs and stack is the passageway that leads to the galley, master stateroom, and stairs down to the utility and engine room.

Salon, looking forward

In the next picture, we are standing in the galley looking towards the starboard side of the boat.  You can see the hole in the floor where the stairs descend to the utility room, and to the right you can see the end of the stairs ascending to the pilot house.  Far left is the door to the stateroom.

Galley, looking to starboard

Now we have stepped into the state room and are looking forward.  The bed will be off to the left, and ahead you can see the doorway into the guest state room and office area.

Master state room looking forward

 Here we are standing about where the bed will be located, looking to starboard.  The section on the left is the stairwell coming down from the pilot house.  To reach the forward compartments from the salon, you can cut through the master state room, or if it's occupied, you go up into the pilot house (which is over the master state room) and descend back down bypassing the master.  The doorway over to the right goes into the master head (that's the bathroom).

Master stateroom, looking to starboard
This next picture is a bit odd.  We are standing in the master head looking into the shower.  The showers are fiberglass units, presumably to keep the water inside without chance of leaks, and initially there is just a small access hole cut into it.  Later this will be opened up into a proper doorway.

Peering into the master shower

Here is the rest of the head where the vanity, sink, and toilet will live.

Master head
Below is the master stateroom, but now we are looking aft.  Through the doorway you are looking into the galley and the salon beyond that.  The bed will butt up under the portholes on the right.

Master state room looking aft

Now we are in the forward compartments looking forward.  This area gets split into two parts with a good sized sliding door between them.  To the left is the guest bunk, and to the right is the office.  Most of the time the slider will be open creating a single space, but anyone wanting to get some shut-eye in the guest bunk can have privacy anytime by closing the slider.  The forward doorway leads into the guest head.  There will be a second doorway as well so it can be entered either from the bunk or office.

Office and guest bunk area
Here's the guest shower, once again with just a small access hole cut into the fiberglass surround.

Guest head and shower

Below in the engine room we see the space starting to take shape.  The stringers were there before, but now much of the floor panels are in place.  These panels give the space a much more finished look and make the space much more usable.  Without them, there wouldn't be a flat surface anywhere.

Engine room with floor panels installed

Up in the pilot house not much has changed looking in this direction.  But it still gives a good sense of the space and the excellent visibility for operating the boat.  The opening in the floor to the right is the stairwell down to the forward compartments so they can be reached without cutting through the master stateroom.

Pilot house looking forward

But looking aft we start to see the rest of the space taking shape.  The dividing wall that we are facing separates the pilot house from the captain's bunk.  It will be an exception for us to have a hired captain on board, but we think this bunk will be very handy regardless.  On long passages, whoever is off watch can crawl in to sleep and still be right at hand if needed.  It also provides a 3rd bunk for guests allowing for two guest couples when desired.  There also is a little 1/2 bath back there which is real handy when you are on watch.  This bunk and bath has become known as the "tree house" by many owners.

Pilot house looking aft.

Well, that's all for now.  I think the next big milestone will be to see the boat deck and aft pilot house section go on, followed by the pilot house roof and fly bridge, but perhaps they will install the engines and generator first - I don't know.  It certainly would be easier to lower the gear into the engine room before the roof is on, but I gather they do it both ways, so we'll just have to see what happens next.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see the boat coming together. I loved the early posts - your tech discussions were so interesting even for a generally non-techie person. Adirondack is headed to Lake Champlain for the summer - we should get there by mid-July. Sally Adirondack


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