Monday, June 16, 2014

She's on her way

The new Tanglewood is riding piggy back on a freighter across the Pacific.  Last location update was earlier today off the coast of Japan.  Yes, the Great Circle route takes you surprisingly far north running from South China to San Diego.  ETA San Diego June 30.


  1. Peter, I have a question regarding the bow eye for the anchor snubber. How on earth do you attach the line? In the photo it appears to be way out of reach from anywhere but a dinghy.

  2. There are generally two techniques, both of which only require a one-time attachment to the eye, and neither of which I have actually tried yet.

    The first technique is to attach one end of the snubber to the eye, then run the other end of the line up to the pulpit. When under way you pull it tight and cleat it off. Then when you anchor you attach the end to the anchor chain and let it follow the chain overboard and into the water until be becomes taught and takes the anchor load. On anchor retrieval the line comes back on deck as the chain is winched aboard and is disconnected and re-cleated. The only down side I see with this approach is that the snubber length is fixed to match the forward free board plus enough for the cleat.

    The second approach is similar, but rather than permanently attaching one end of the line to the eye, you instead thread it through the eye and run it back up to the deck. So now the line makes a V shape running from the deck, down to and through the eye, then back up to the deck. Now you have control over both ends of the line. Anchoring, you attach one end to the chain as before and run it overboard, but since you have control over the other end of the line you can now adjust the length of the snubber to suit your needs. I plan to try this approach.

    In both cases the line needs to be monitored for chafing and replaced as needed.

    1. Thank you very much for the thorough, yet concise answer. Makes much more sense to me now.

  3. Woo Hoo! Almost there, Peter! Well, honestly, there’s still that little task of commissioning!

    When Stef and I were aboard Shear Madness, K&B use the V-version you outlined above. It worked very well, especially to move the portion of the line going through the eye so as to spread chafe. The only “challenge” is making sure that you don’t drop the line. They had a really cool method of attachement to the chain using a rope loop-and-ball affair. Not sure what the device is called, but it’s slick and avoids the metal-to-metal contact of other versions.

    Looking forward to seeing Tanglewood berthed in DP.



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