Today I rigged up a heat lamp on one side, and a regular light on the other side. When I arrived this morning the filler had hardened considerably on its own, but the pliers test still failed - I was able to squish some of the filler with pliers - so it needs to cure more. By the end of today the side with the heat lamp had hardened a bunch more, so things are going in the right direction.
While the lamp was shining, I test fit the starboard actuator. I had to nip a little corner off the bulkhead support to fit it, but everything went in fine otherwise. It needs to be shimmed so the actuator protrudes just clear of the outside backing plate. To figure the shim thickness, I need to measure how far the actuator protrudes without any shims. In the picture you can see me holding up the backing plate over the actuator. Visions of things to come....
Back on the inside, I trimmed and test fit the bulkhead panel. It fits great and allowed me to confirm the location of the equipment that will be mounted against it. The last picture shows the panel back out on saw horses with the equipment laid out in its final position.
While the lamp was shining, I test fit the starboard actuator. I had to nip a little corner off the bulkhead support to fit it, but everything went in fine otherwise. It needs to be shimmed so the actuator protrudes just clear of the outside backing plate. To figure the shim thickness, I need to measure how far the actuator protrudes without any shims. In the picture you can see me holding up the backing plate over the actuator. Visions of things to come....
Back on the inside, I trimmed and test fit the bulkhead panel. It fits great and allowed me to confirm the location of the equipment that will be mounted against it. The last picture shows the panel back out on saw horses with the equipment laid out in its final position.
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